Will a tmobile wifi signal extender work for verizon phones
Will a tmobile wifi signal extender work for verizon phones

will a tmobile wifi signal extender work for verizon phones

You can browse our cell phone signal boosters for home, signal boosters for vehicles, or signal boosters for your business to find out what solution would be best for you. While cell phone extenders and range extenders have been certified for use by all of the major carriers, they aren't actually sold by them, so you'll need to purchase one a specialty store, like UberSignal. We'll cover each term, what it actually is, and the pros and cons of each solution.Ĭell phone extenders and range extenders are other names for a cell phone signal booster solution.Ī cell signal booster is a system that takes a weak existing outside cell signal, amplifies it, and then broadcasts that boosted signal to an area inside of your home, business or vehicle that needs better cell signal.Ī signal booster, or cell phone extender, requires that there is at least a small amount of usable signal outside in the location where you mount the external antenna, otherwise the system will not have any signal to boost. The terms cell phone extenders, range extenders, and network extenders are commonly used interchangeably, even though they refer to different types of solutions for bad cell phone signal.

Will a tmobile wifi signal extender work for verizon phones